- My health - although not great all the time, I can still get around and do all of the activities I want to do.
- My parents - what great role models they are. They have overcome some obstacles at the same time keeping the family together and are still so much in love to this day.
- Tim - he balances me out when I get out of control - everyone should be so lucky to have someone like this in their life.
- My brother and sister - the two of them are so cool, they both ROCK my world.
- Harvey, Willie, Dewfey, Marley, Bay-Lee and all of the other cats in my life. Everything is on their terms and that is how they are comfortable - we could learn a lot from animals.
- My friends - some of my biggest cheerleaders and also some who test my limits. You all serve a purpose and have helped make me the person I am today, I love you all, thank you. I couldn't pick a better bunch of people to surround myself with. You can never have too many friends!
- Books and Music - need I say more?
Gratitude is a great thing to recognize, I think it is important to think of at least one thing a day that you are grateful for. Maybe add a gratitude section to your journal or something.
COMMENTS WANTED - please comment on this posting and let us all know if you keep a journal and if so, how often do you write in it? Perhaps we can learn from each other and inspire each other to write more.
1 comment:
Yes, I keep a journal/idea book all in one. I try to write each day. Sometimes I recap the day at night or sometimes (lately) I write first thing in the morning before the day has begun - I write my personal goals for the day and what I want to get out of it, etc. I did add a gratitude section lately, hence the subject of today's post.
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