My little mini vacation is over and Emily has gone back to Michigan. We dropped her off at the airport last night.
Here is a recap of the weekend...

Saturday - At about 11 AM we started getting moving and went to Breakfast and Target and then went home to shower and get ready to go to Berkeley for a concert (see Sunday's post).
Sunday - Tim woke up early and played tennis, Emily and I slept in. When Tim came home and showered we all got ready and jumped into the car to go down to Half Moon Bay Brewing Co. for lunch. We always have to wait for time there to get a table so we finished there at about 2:40 and headed to the beach near Mavericks, the parking lot was packed and we couldn't get in so we drove back up the coast to Montera and settled at Montera State Beach near the old Chart House restaurant. The beach was beautiful, sunny and HOT. The only bummer was the giant stinky dead seal on the beach that you literally could not get within 50 feet of because of the smell. We relaxed on the beach for a couple hours. There was a woman racing her horse along the shore, it was incredible. Emily and I went walking down near some rocks and found a rock cave that had star fish in it. This was the one time I wanted my camera and didn't have it - pooh! After spending time on the beach we decided we needed to get some water so we got back in the car and went to Pacifica and got some water and sat at Linda Mar and watched some surfing until about 6:10 PM. We had dinner at Moki's and then went to Maggie Mudd's for coconut ice cream (non-dairy) and then took Emily to the airport.
It was a nice weekend! I had a lot of fun, but have to admit, was ready to clean my house and get back into my normal routine. I have a busy week ahead of me. I am looking for a part time job and am not having very much luck at all, which is bumming me out. Anyway, when the right thing is open, it will come to me I guess. I just have been scouring craigslist every day and am getting a little discouraged. I think maybe I will have my garage sale soon and see how much money I can make with that!
Stay tuned...
great weekend. you're really enjoying SF, aren't you?
Love it! Have been here over 10 years, but there is always something new to be discovered. I love your blog!
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