I was however, trying to come up with a system to get my "stuff" organized around the house. I don't know if any of you know this, but one characteristic of a cancer is messiness - which always miffs me because my Grandma Netti was a cancer and was so completely neat, it was crazy. The one area for me that ALWAYS has needed help, my ENTIRE life has been my bedroom (Mom, feel free to comment on this one). I am pretty organized when I cook, sew, craft, whatever else, but once I get in my room, I just put things on my dresser and pile my clothes on the trunk at the end of my bed. The worst part is my dresser...poor girl, she is so pretty when she is clean, but as of late, she is covered in jewelry, things I have pulled out of my pockets when I get home from work, random receipts, folded socks, hair clips, rubber bands and cat toys that have gone flying in the air and have decided to land right into no mans land. I was thinking about getting someone to come in and help me organize my home, with the baby coming, etc. but it is SO expensive there is really NO WAY that is going to happen. Then I spoke to my friend Angela, who has offered her help and is the one person that has been privy to my "inside world" who I know would help me without any judgment and would make me laugh the entire time even though I would be so embarrassed of my immature untidiness. My plan right now is to manage the little things that I can organize on my own and bring her in as the voice of reason when it comes to the larger things, making space for baby and putting things in storage. If I have Tim help me, we will argue and I will feel bad about being messy and that is not fun. Plus, if it isn't his stuff, he wont really help anyway.
Anyway, I have a couple things to put my jewelry in (a pretty glass box and the fabulous pink jewelry box Wendy got me for my Birthday) but those are on a shelf in my closet and I need a little more room and found these fabulous beauties at Pottery Barn Teen and thought I would share them with you. I can't afford them right now, but maybe after Christmas I will purchase them for myself - hey, maybe they will be on sale then too!

OK, enough of all that. I am secretly hoping that by airing my dirty laundry it will help me out a little. I think the first step in mending an unsavory trait it to recognize it and come up with ways to fix it.
I too keep my jewelry on a tiered thing like that. However, mine is a vintage dessert display that I got at an antique store for $8. It is BEAUTIFUL - cherry red, scalloped edges and does the job PERFECTLY!
Also, you can get vintage glove molds for fairly cheap to hold your rings. Check these out:
Just some ideas... :)
You are the BEST! Love it!
Have you seen my dresser and the stairs going up to my room? Must run in the family. Could be that we spent too much time in our anal stage of child development and are just messy, whatever that means! Our brother is that same way. I miss you sister!!
I too have a not-so-neat bedroom. people who see the "public" areas of my apartment are quite impressed..but they have yet to see my bedroom and huge closet that collects a bit of everything.
If you figure out the secret to it all, please let me know!
I'd like to spend my holidy weekend prettifying (is that a word?) my closet..to make it a nice place to go in (the first walk in closet I've ever had).
I read a post on the Zen Habits blog about "permanent" vs. "daily" storage and that appealed to me. my closet has my parents high school yearbooks in it and my own yearbooks. I could put theirs in my storage locker and then put mine out on my bookcase. I like the idea of having out or storing in my apartment those items I need for the next month or so...and having items in storage labeled neatly so I can retrieve what I need.
It is an ongoing battle for me.
You too?
I am absolutely the same way! Everything falls to the top of the dresser, the vintage rocking chair, the top of anything semi flat. Covered with clothes, books, magazines, the mail, my earrings, hair doodles...and this week my suitcase I still haven't unpacked! My mom used to say..."do you know how many thousands of dollars you have just laying around?" Don't know why that mattered to her...
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