I think if you think of the things you are grateful for, the stressful stuff or the don'ts and can'ts will fall along the wayside.
- My job
- The bowl full of fresh strawberries at my desk right now that came in with the office produce order.
- My blue kitty - when I was a kid, our art teacher, Miss Alexander had a blue kitty that she would bring in and one day I said to myself, when I get older I am going to have a blue kitty too! Tim keeps telling me he is grey, not blue, same diff in the cat world.
- My Jeep, gets me to where I need to be.
- My flat, even though it is under construction and the door was painted shut yesterday when I got home.
- My 20/20 vision
- My friends, they are not all close by, but I thank God for them each day.
- Timmy!
- My family, they are the best and so much fun and super cool as well.
These are just off the top of my head at this very moment.
Have a nice day and be grateful for what you have try not to focus on what you don't have.
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