For anyone crafty, the fabric store can be a total danger zone even if you don't sew, the yarn, ribbon and notions will suck you in. So, when I went to
Stonemountain & Daughter Fabrics yesterday I had to have a list and a budget. The store is incredible! So many cool and different fabrics and so much better than the run of the mill JoAnn's. I am trying to get my Christmas stuff done and ready to go WAY ahead of time this year so I am not feeling so rushed. I actually started back in mid-June with a couple projects. The hard thing for me is to put things that I am making for myself on hold while I get the gifts out of the way. Does that happen to anyone else? It sounds horrible, but other people have told me they are the same so I don't feel
that bad about it. So last night I said a temporary goodbye to a couple things that are in the works and are non-holiday and started drawing a pattern for some holiday things I am going to make (yes, it is a secret).
PS - The new season of PROJECT RUNWAY starts TONIGHT!
Yea, and there is a guy from Troy Mi on there. We will see how he does.
I can't believe you are starting on Christmas gifts, I am so impressed and amazed! I will be watching the repeats when they come on earlier in the evening since it will be past my bedtime.
Auf Wiedersehen!
Love you,
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