Still inspired by the wonders of nature on our vacation to the mountains, Tim and I decided to go on a hike yesterday and enjoy the great outdoors. I mean, we have the best areas in Northern California and they are no more than a car ride away! We are truly blessed to live here.
We went to the Tomales Bay area of Point Reyes National Seashore and took a hike that lead to three little beaches. I had been out there before to Hearts Desire Beach, but was alone and freaked myself out on my hike so it was nice to relax with Tim walking behind me with a large walking stick. The hike was supposed to be 4.6 miles but we made a short cut on another trail so it ended up being about 3.2 instead. We had a great time except for the 1.6 mile short cut was all uphill on the way back to the car. Kind of funny, we kept laughing though and our spirits were high as usual and we pressed on. I think laughter can get you through anything. At the end we both felt really good and plan on going back out soon to check out another hike in the area. We have a book that we are going to make our way though and keep notes, etc.
Some highlights of the hike were:

Large hive of bees in a dead tree

Using brute strength to lift an entire tree out of the way of the trail (ha ha)

Little beach full of jelly fish that we launched with a stick back into the water (we had to try and save some of them)
To wrap it up we took the long way home along the coast (I know a lot of short cuts through West Marin) and got salads from Whole Foods Market for dinner that we enjoyed with some wine we had at home from our recent trip to Napa.
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