Just watched the biography of Cher on A&E (this wasn't the first time I had seen this). After watching I
immediately went on to the
Internet to see how much tickets are to her farewell tour. I would literally fly to Vegas after work, see the show, stay near the airport overnight and fly back the next day and go back to work if I could swing it. The last show is at the end of April and I want to see it so bad!
Funny story is that I have the Best of Cher CD in my car and last time Tim's parents were here his Dad wanted to listen to it!
While online, I found
this and had to "Cher" it with you...

You know, EVERYONE has a theme song, you know, a tune that plays when you enter a room and want to make a statement? Mine is "Half Breed" by Cher. I will never tire of that song.
I hope you get to go to the concert!!
lol Cher scared me as a child!! Her and David Bowie... anyway it's not stopped me believing that Gypsies tramps and thieves is one of the greatest songs to wash up to!!
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