I feel the need to make yet another list (they help me think straight), just an update of what has been going on in my world over the last 10 days or so.
- Friend at work was in a serious car accident and still in ICU - BAD
- Sold Grateful Dead tickets since I will be out of town May 14 - GOOD
- Aunt Mary passed away - BAD
- Tim is coming with me to Michigan - GOOD
- USCIS (INS) fingerprinting updated for continuing adoption process - GOOD
- Horrible allergies and high pollen count - UGLY
- Jury duty notice came in the mail Saturday and my job doesn't pay for the time off - BAD
- Large pimple grew on my forehead - UGLY
- Got 3.5 cases of wine yesterday - GOOD, BAD and UGLY
- Was greeted at the door after work yesterday with a pile of cat barf - UGLY
- Lost my wallet - BAD
- Drove home in the rain to look for aforementioned wallet - BAD
- Found wallet - GOOD
- Free veggie soft taco for lunch - GOOD
- Forgot about scone for breakfast, so I can have it with my tea this afternoon - GOOD
- Fell off the diet wagon, but not too far off - UGLY
- My boss understands and is supportive at this time - GOOD
- I have not had time or the bandwidth to write about any of this in my journal - UGLY
- I got a package from Scotland today (x Ali) - GOOD
- In a matter of days I will be with my family - GOOD
I think that is it for now, looks like the good outweighs the bad, so this list helped me get some perspective although I never lost it totally - I always try to have the positive prevail over the negative.
Classic List! You always make me laugh. You are on the "good" column in my life!
Love you!
Thanks Robin! I will call you tomorrow, I owe you a phone call.
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