Thursday, June 25, 2009

R.I.P. Michael Jackson

August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009

Unbelievable, Michael Jackson has passed away. I believe he was totally misunderstood, he had a rough last couple of years. I feel bad that he never got the childhood that he deserved and that made an impact on his adult life. He was a cultural icon, a legend and his music will live on forever.
I remember when I was in either 3rd - 4th Grade I had a red baseball style jacket and I wanted a Michael Jackson red jacket but knew I would never get one. Being a resourceful kid, I pushed the sleeves of my jacked up to my elbows (like Michael did with his) and put Michael Jackson buttons on one side of it and wore that jacket everyday for a long time. I thought it was so cool.
I had a Michael Jackson purse, it was plastic and had him laying down on it. So funny!
I remember in Elementary School when his Thriller video came out, they showed it at lunch time and we would all try and mimic his dance moves outside at recess.
I remember when I first met my in laws and my father in law had to show me the video of my brother in law, Solomon dancing as a tiny little boy to beat it - just like the original video. My father in law was so excited to show it to me, it was incredible! Solomon is still dancing today as well as Tim's other brother Aaron (aka Optic/Rock so Fresh crew - you tube him, his is fantastic).
Most of all, Michael Jackson made me want to dance and not ballet!
He inspired so many people and his memory will live on for centuries to come, he was loved around the world.

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