I had to share these photos of my "nephew" Jack. My sister Emily decided to get him a cool cut for the summer and apparently he loves it and now sleeps with her since he is not so hot all the time. I saw these photos last night and was laughing so hard I was crying. If you know my sister Emily and know how freakin funny she is you would say, "of course she would give him a Lion cut, just for the laughs". She said it was worth the cut just to hear my Dad's reaction to him when they got home from the "salon", she said she had not heard him laugh that hard in a long time, that made me happy! On a side note, Sasha (my Aunt Mary's orphaned cat now living at my parents house) saw Jack and hissed because she did not recognize him at all.
Without further ado, here's Jack....

That is hilarious! Made me laugh and cry with laughter, thanks for sharing. I love that Jack even tolerated going to the "salon" to get this done and that he loves his new cut!!!!
i am glad that my little man could make everyone's day!! he always makes mine!! =)
Ha ha BeBop - cute name!
Ang - she said it took three people to hold him down during "the cut" poor Jack! Still funny though!
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