Just putting the final touches on the journal I made for this trip.
I found an old 1965 small size Maltese Dictionary at the rummage sale a couple weekends ago, took the pages out and sewed some of the original pages back in mixed with blank pages for me to write on. I added an elastic band to keep it all together for those days when I just have time to shove things in it and also affixed a pocket to the inside of the back cover to collect things in.
This is a lot like the Greek travel journal I made - I am super excited to fill it with our travel adventures.
At this point, I have been in contact with the extended family over in Malta and everyone is ready for us. We will probably see them a few days after we arrive so we have time to rest and get acclimated to the time change. I am getting really excited and trying not to think about the flight (I have control issues and don't like the anxious feeling I get while flying, but can psych myself out pretty good unless it gets bumpy). Once I get to Chicago I will be with my Mom who is pretty mellow on the plane so that will be good.
4 days until Malta!

i love it! There is this store here that sells all this old paper stuff that you would love. Old flash-cards, memory games etc. You would LOVE it.
Maybe i will come wave at you at the airport when you are in chicago!
I want to come there and check it out! Maybe in the winter when it is dead cold outside it will be cheap to come and visit!
How close are you to the airport?
Love you!
that is the coolest journal ever! how exciting - it's so close now - wishing you lots of love and safe travels :)
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