This Morning...
- Got up early
- Took a shower
- Went to the laundromat at 7 AM - loaded all of my clothes in one of those jumbo washers
- Went to the gas station and filled up the Jeep with gas for Tim while I am away
- Went to Safeway (instead of Target and Kiehls) and got what I needed
- Went back to laundromat and loaded clothes into dryer
- Took non-dryer clothes home and hung them on the line outside
- Kissed and pet BayLee
- Went to the bank to deposit a check
- Back to the laundromat and there was two minutes left on the dryer
- Took and couple deep breaths and closed my eyes
- Removed clothes from the dryer
- Folded aforementioned clothes in record time and put them in the basket
- Loaded basket into my backseat
- Drove to work
- Checked in online for my flights to London
1 more day until Malta!
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