Very simple, easy to make and no cost at all. Just cut 25 strips of paper (Dec 1-25) and write an activity on each one. I planned my activities according to our calendar which already had some events on it, which helped fill in some space. I stuck the strips together with zots brand glue dots, but you could use a glue stick or tape. I used whatever paper I had around and happened to have a dark green and used a silver pen to write the day's activity down.
As for hanging your chain, when I was a kid, I think we used to adhere the last chain link (the 25th) to a recycled Christmas Card from the year before and just hang it high up and as we got closer we moved it down so us kids could reach. I didn't have anything like that, so I just draped it around something up high (on top of an armoire).
I have a feeling I am going to be on my own for some of the events I had planned. Tim plays tennis in a league and his matches sometimes conflict with the advent calendar (like tonight). So, today's activity - Hayes Street Holiday Street Fair may be attended by just me OR I might be more relaxed about it and just go home and have time to myself while he is out, which is very tempting. It has been super cold here and going home, turning on the heat, drinking some tea and reading a book sounds awfully good. Ice skating again also sounds good, maybe this weekend!
I don't like Christmas but you are actually making me like it. I love all the activities you and Tim are doing and the cute Christmas crafts! I will have to steal these ideas for Frankie. I think next year he will really be into it since he doesn't seem to get it too much yet.
Miss you and love you.
Love all the holiday pictures too!
Thanks for this photo! What fun! We missed our second chance at a tree lighting with our advent activity but today we're on to paper snowflakes. I feel a success coming on ; )
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