This morning on the phone Angela asked me how my Birds Nest is (aka my Studio). I was telling her that I just got some business cards made advertising my handcrafted journals and also just got a box full of vintage books from Ebay to work on. I am so pumped and need to start a full scale production line in my studio. I have made a few little books since I moved in (one for me and a couple for gifts), but not enough to open an online shop or anything, which is my ultimate plan.
I am lucky that I work somewhere that always has random paper and one offs laying around from old signage, etc. that I can use for my own books. This book also has some pages from a Maltese dictionary (which I made into a travel journal back in October) added to it. When I make books to sell or for other people, I will use more lined, ledger, original book pages and blank paper. I love the elastic band around the book as well, I am a "stuffer" so when I don't have to time to write, I will stuff little things in my book and then go back and write about them when I have more time.
Here is a sneak peak at my journal that I made for this year. I am sort of taking what I have learned from a number of book making/binding classes and mixing it all together into one book.

Just have to add one thing, I love making these books so much. For me, from the time I purchase the book to sewing it all together is just so much fun. I guess it is because I love hunting in antique and used book stores for great old (and CHEAP) books. I also love journaling too; writing in a journal to me is like talking to a best friend who doesn't talk back or give an opinion, which is nice sometimes and so therapeutic. Everyone should take time to write.
Here is what my card looks like...
I love it! The journal is beautiful and your business cards are very stylish! You definately have a gift!
Love you!
FABULOUS!!!!!! =)morksts
morksts was my word verification..don't know how it ended up there!!
WOW Katie, AWESOME! Can't wait to see what else comes out of that Bird's Nest of yours. I'm so happy you got that space for yourself to create.
beautiful. simply beautiful. also excited to see what other creations come from your 'bird's nest' - um would it be weird to say that these creations are your eggs?
Sara - I love it, I think they are my eggs!
Thanks all for cheering me on!
XO - Katie
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