Hope you all had a wonderful weekend.
I spent most of Saturday in the Birds Nest working on a couple book orders. I finished one and am gearing up to finish the other two next weekend. I had planned on going there yesterday too, but my allergies got the best of me and I now have a sinus infection or just a really bad cold so I was down for the count yesterday with Vick's and tissues shoved up my nose (which I would like to do right now, but not at my desk!). I may be going home early today, honestly I feel like crap.
Yesterday, I spent a lot of time reading the manual for my new camera and a DSLR Photography magazine which is filled with great tips. This is my first step up from a point and shoot camera and I am super excited, but have been taking most of my practice shots on automatic until I feel confident enough to move on from that. I had been looking at a new camera for a couple years and decided to take the leap since I have some travel coming up in June and would like to take it with me (more on that in another post). So, my test photos have mainly been of Tim and BayLee (poor guys!). Here are a few I took yesterday while laying on the floor waiting for BayLee to yawn (he had just woke up). Still need to work on the focus and what setting works best for the distance I am at, etc. I shot these on auto no flash but wish they were more clear. I think I need to change the shutter speed when shooting BayLee since he moves around so much. I don't know the technical terms, but watch out, I love taking photos so I will be an ace at this camera in a matter of months. Can I just say, it is strange to put a camera up to my face again after using the Canon Powershot Digital Elph for so long (which I will still use, its in my bag right now - as a matter of fact, I still use my 35mm camera I got in 8th grade!).

AWESOME! I am so happy for your new purchase! You are going to love it. I need to read my manual too and perhaps take a short class. Ohhhhhh, but what fun!
I know! We are both in the same boat with our new cameras, I wish you still lived here, we could take a class together.
Have fun!
beautiful photos katie!
hey something else you might like to see - on soulemama's blog, she's doing a friday ritual of one moment she wants to capture - no words, just an image.... here's an example:
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