Here is a basic run down of our trip - I didn't talk as many photos as I thought I would, we were that busy!

Thursday - On our lunch break from sale prepping, the four of us (Mat and Emily, Tim and I) all went skating and we had the ice to ourselves for the most part. We skated for about an hour, in uncomfortable rental skates, which is pretty good. Here is Emily showing us her great balance on hockey skates! She is a good skater, don't let this photo fool you!
We decided we would then go to the batting cages and hit some balls but when we got over there, it was closed! Boo! So we decided to go to lunch instead at Inn Season Cafe (great veggie place). Following lunch we went to Royal Oak for a minute to walk around and then back home and back to work! Emily made a nice Salmon dinner for the family with corn on the cob, steamed kale and salad. I made white chocolate pretzel and peanut bark for a sweet evening snack. We ate dinner outside again, I love it! We did a once over and it looked like we were all set for the sale of the century on Friday. Tim brushed Peanut so she looked nice for all of the guests, of course she thought they were all there to see her and not there for the sale!
Here is a sneak peak of the sale items:
Friday - First day of the Moving/Garage Sale! Mat and Tim moved all of the big stuff out from the basement into the backyard, they both worked really hard. We were so busy, lots of stuff sold before Noon. It was really nice to see old neighbors and chat with the people who came by. We were so wiped out at the end of the day, it was ridiculous. Mom, Dad, Tim and I went out for dinner since Emily and Mat had other plans. I had 2 cocktails and was feeling mighty fine by the time we got home. A good old MidWest Thunder and Lightening storm in the evening, standing on the porch watching Mother Nature rage with Tim was fun. Running barefoot in the rain in front of my parents house was a flash back to my childhood.
Saturday - Mom made Monkey Bread for Breakfast while we gave the sales floor a face lift and brought out more stuff. Emily and I went into the attic and cleaned out some of my old stuff, lots of ballet books and natural medicine books to sell and lots of photos and letters to look at. The sale on Saturday was great too - time seemed to fly by and before we knew it, it was over. We ordered Chinese food for dinner and ate outside before it began to rain for the evening. Emily, Mat, Tim and I went out for ice cream again around 11 PM in a torrential downpour, it was fun though.
Sunday - Open House/Party at my parents house. My best friend from when I was in Elementary School came over with her three kids. We had such a nice time reminiscing about when we were kids. Our parents were friends too (and still are) so we went camping together, skiing in the winter and lots of other fun stuff. Our old neighbors that have since moved came over as well along with current neighbors. My brother came over as well and stayed until around 9 PM after everyone had left it was just Mom, Dad, Tim, Andy and I talking it up. Emily and Mat had other plans and left around 8 PM. It was such a nice party, all of us made a salad and my Mom sliced a ham which was the perfect amount of food for all of us. Sunday night Tim and I went to bed around 11 PM to catch up a little on our sleep.
Monday - slept in a bit, hung out, cleaned out more stuff of mine and put things aside that I was planning to keep. Visited my best friend from High School who was about 45 minutes away - my sister drove me and picked me up. It was so nice to reconnect in person with an old friend even though our visit was short, it was very good like no time had passed at all between us. We just picked up where we left off. Monday night we went to dinner in Greek Town in Detroit.

I am bummed that I didn't bring my new camera to dinner - the low light made all of my photos grainey from my point and shoot (SHOOT!).
Tuesday - packed our bags and got on the plane at 12:30 PM Midwest time and arrived home 5 hours later. We both slept on the plane before it even took off, which was pretty funny, we must have been tired.
Here are some activities that filled some space during our visit:
- Laughing a LOT
- Playing the Trombone (video to come in the future)
- Playing wii with Emily and Mat
- Watching baseball, basketball and hockey on TV
- Getting bit by mosquitoes
- Looking at my Grandma's scrapbook (now I know where I get it from, documenting everything that is).
tee tee,
the trip sounds incredible. thank you for including all the food detail, you know i love that. it sounds like you did a ton and saw lots o people! that's a great way to end the chapter of berkley, michigan, i think.
glad you are back home safe and all went well.
love you,
love the photos of the fam, your dad cracks me up. love timmy brushing peanut, i want one of those brushes! wish i knew of a gas station that served food like that, incredible!
How come garage sales never look like that around here? Your mom has incredible stuff! She could have had her own booth (or two) at the Petaluma antique fair!!!
Robin, I know! It was so crazy too, the things people buy there were NOT the things people would buy here. Almost all of the tools sold and hardware stuff sold, but the milk glass plates, glasses, tins and old bottles didn't sell. The prices were incredible too! That stuff would have sold for a LOT more out here.
XO - Katie
I would have happily scooped all of those tins! A bargain at twice the price, I'm sure - they are so wonderful! Also, big props on the organization. I think that's probably the nicest looking garage sale I've ever seen.
Wish you all could have been there and picked out what you wanted. It would be cool to know that my friends each had things from my parents house.
Thanks for all the comments - I feel like I needed them, havent written anything substantial in a while and needed a little boost.
XO - Katie
Katie!!! yay! what an amazing post. thank you for sharing your experience - it sounds like an incredible family bonding time... and i too wish i could have snapped up some of those items at the sale - would be so rare here in new zealand where even flower pots are like $50 (no joke - they're heavy and imported)... i had to laugh at the post about you making white chocolate pretzel and peanut bark, then mentioning Tim brushing peanut - i was like - why would he be brushing your food? (i was skimming and had to read that section twice)... if you could ship some of that gas station middle eastern food or that pizza here, i'd be in your debt forever! how yummy! oh how i miss good food...
welcome back - great to see your pics and stories :)
Sara - hilarious! I just re-read it too, so funny that peanut (the legume) and Peanut (the dog) were both mentioned in the same paragraph! I could go for some of that middle eastern food right about now. San Francisco doesnt cut it when it comes to middle eastern or mediterranean food and I have tried it all. Closest to what I can get back in Michigan is Holy Land in Berkeley, yumm!
Miss you, hope you ae well!
XO - Katie
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