My parents dog Peanut passed away Friday evening. Well, she was my sister's dog who adopted my parents when my sister went to college, but was really the family dog as we all loved her very much.
It was a very sad weekend. Even here in San Francisco my heart was aching for my parents and for our Sweet Pea. She wasn't sick and went very fast like my Marley did a few years back. So the memories of her are those of good times and not of a sick doggy.
Peanut had a happy life and everyone who met her loved her. Her last hoorah was our road trip across the US moving my parents to AZ. We had a lot of fun with her. I will never forget my Mom walking her on Navajo Nation after dark and seeing a coyote come up out of the bushes, my Mom looked over and saw it and made a quick "about face" and walked right back in the direction of the hotel. It was hilarious because as soon as I saw the coyote approach it was too late to make a noise to try and scare it off. I was watching the entire thing go down and from afar, it was very funny. I took a video of Peanut at my parents new home playing like a puppy with her teddy bear. I am glad she made it to Arizona and got to live in her new house for a while.
She was the best dog ever, hands down.
Sadness all around, first the family home is gone, now the family dog. Ugh.
I feel better today, but am still worried about my parents. I know they are fine, but an animal is such a huge spirit in the house and with her gone, it will be awful quiet and they will be lacking a security guard. My crying too much headache has lifted and today has been very good and I know Peanut is in heaven watching over all of us with that grin on her face that we all loved so much (not like in this photo, this was a more serious side of Peanut).
here come the tears. again!
Sorry Em!
I feel the same, the sadness comes and goes.
I feel like we are all so blessed to have had such a wonderful dog and that makes me happy and helps rise above the sadness.
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