Photo - Diana Vishneva (dance.net)
It has been forever since I have updated, I have been stretched a little thin. Honestly, have been thinking, should I keep my blog - after going back and forth about it, I decided to keep it at least for a little while longer. Just seems I have not had time to post as of late and to be honest, life has not been that exciting. Here is an update in a nutshell:
- Parents are coming to visit for Thanksgiving
- We are going to AZ for Christmas
- Tim's Grandma passed away, very sad.
- Tim has been sick, but is on the mend now.
- Working on a HUGE project at work (what else is new, but really this is BIG, cannot disclose until it is done).
- Taking a ballet workshop that lasts a year! Two weeks in and I LOVE it. I super love muscle memory.
- In addition to aforementioned once a week ballet class, I added a midweek class that is a little more intense which I super love!
- Still hate sewing elastics on my ballet shoes - seriously thought about FedExing them to my Mom.
- Have spent some good, productive time at The Bird's Nest making books.
- Purchased my first Christmas present last week
- Have not cooked a meal at home in over a week
- I am way behind on all coorespondence
That's about it - if this counts for anything, I started this post on Friday and am just finishing it now (Sunday). Ech!
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