My photography class started last week so this weekend was full of homework assignments which produced LOTS of photos...most of them left on the cutting room floor I have to admit. I am so used to taking photos on the auto setting and this class is all manual, so there is a bit of a learning curve and yes, there were tears (out of pure frustration). Here is a glimpse of my mistakes - getting the speed/f-stop ratio proved to be quite difficult for me, but I am getting it, slowly but surely. All I can do is keep practicing and see what happens.

PS - if there isn't a hair salon out there called "The Cutting Room" or "The Cutting Room Floor" there should be.
No tears, I think you are a genius! Great pics, as always. Love the "Cutting Room" name for a salon. :)
That's so funny you said that b/c when I saw the name of your post I thought you had gooten your hair cut again!
Love the pictures-you always take awesome pics-oranges are my favorite.
BTW. please, please, please watch The Soup this week. It is hilarious (the ice tea thing had me rolling on the floor) and has the best Must Love Cats clip.
Love you!
Robin - I DID go and get my hair cut again, had her take a little more off. So you were right - you read into my post.
More photos to come, this manual stuff is daunting.
I missed the Soup this weekend, I will see if I can DVR it tonight.
Ang - you should have seen me, on the floor in my kitchen trying to get the perfect photo and just losing it because I couldn't get it right. I guess we all learn from making mistakes though, right?
they are beautiful photos, katie! keep up the good work - what a great thing to be learning - you've got a natural eye for this, so good for you to learning more to enhance it!
(and i also thought you got another drastic hair cut!)
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